A Quick Story of the Greatest Manhunt for one Dog… EVER!

I’m sure I could easily take up several pages detailing the events of the last week, but ill squeeze it into a nutshell for times sake. On March 5th, I dropped my 1 1/2 yr old English Mastiff, Lucy, off at my uncles house in Greenville, NC. The next day I departed for a week long trek in Belize. Upon my return home, I found that my mother was patiently waiting for me at my house in Wilmington. Surprised, but happy to see her, I told of stories of my trip and how excited I was to drive up to Greenville to pick up Lucydog. Tears came to my moms eyes and she told me to sit down. Apparently, my beloved 4-legged friend disappeared from my Uncle’s house the day before I flew out of the country. Not wanting to ruin my trip, the news was withheld from me until 10pm Saturday the 13th.. Lucy had been missing for exactly 1 week.

Devastated, I drove up to Greenville the next day and began to hand out flyers. Not knowing a soul besides my uncle and my youngest sister, a freshman at ECU who was still on spring break, I was pretty much as lost and one could be in Greenville. And being Sunday, I couldn’t get in touch with any vets, animal control, etc. So I drove back to Wilmington to get as good of a nights sleep as I could (2 hours). On the way home I got in touch with Josh Eddings and Ginger Dail, from the Greenville shop. Josh quickly assured me that his dad, a vet in Washington, would help spread the word to all the vets and animal control officers in the Area. Ginger sent out a mass email to her friends in the area. This email spread like wildfire through all police officers, hospital employees, friends, and animal control. The next morning when I woke up I received word that SEVEN! people had seen Lucy in the Hospital area that morning! I scurried back up to Greenville to begin the search once again. Ginger met me in the area which Lucy had been spotted and showed me her massive paw prints that surrounded a newly developed building behind the ECU hospital. She and I walked a total of close to 3 miles (or so it seemed) around the area shouting things like “Babygirl want some Carrots?”.. and “Lets go home Lucy!” We got Nothing. Ginger had to go back to work and I stayed out there patiently searching for my friend and companion, Lucy. Around 5pm we received a phone call saying “I believe I’m looking at your dog right now in the park!” My heart skipped a beat as I rushed back to the park. Ginger and now Ashley of GOPC of Greenville met me at the park. Ashley even brought his own dog leash (kayak tie down..)! We searched the area once again with no luck. Ginger had to go get fitted for a Wedding dress and Ashley had to go home so I stayed just a bit longer in the park, hoping to get a glimpse of my pup. Still Nothing.

Ginger returned around 6:30pm with Chad, Manager of the Greenville shop. After hearing I was not going to be leaving the park with out Lucy, Chad brought me a sleeping bag, thermal blanket, and a pillow. Not to mention a half eaten box of Wheat Thins. We sent up a food bowl in both the Construction site, as well as the park. With the food bowls I pulled the sweater off my back and a blanket of Lucy’s from my car. Head lamps on, we walked the entire perimeter of the ECU hospital and drove to local sub shops, Jersey Mikes and Subway. Every door had a picture of Lucy tasked up in the window and one of the workers at Subway even mentioned seeing Lucy almost every day around 2:30 for some deli meats. Unfortunately, we still couldn’t find her and it was getting late. Ginger talked me out of sleeping on the park bench, and after MUCH hesitation, I agreed. Around 1:30 am as I slept on the floor of my sisters dormroom with Chad’s gear, I received word Lucy had taken to the bait in the park and she was still there. I rushed down 5th street running 2 or 3 red lights… But when I got there she was already gone. Tears filled my eyes just as I looked 500 yards away at the other food bowl in the construction site. There she was. I cried “LUCY LETS GO HOME!” and she galloped into my arms. This was 2:30 am on Monday. I took her into my arms. Slept in my car for 2 hours in my uncle’s driveway from 5-7 am. At 7:30 am I met up with Ginger to return Chad’s things. Ginger was able to meet the infamous Lucydog. We hugged and said our good byes and Lucy and I drove home in time to make it to my 12:30 Lab Class.

Much Thanks to the Greenville GOPC. Everyone put a hand in to help me get my dog back after she had been missing for almost 2 weeks! Ginger, Josh, Ashley and Chad — Lucy and I owe you BIG TIME! Lucy is now home safe and happy. We went to the Vet and she is A-OK! ..(I guess deli meats and the park’s pond kept her fed).

Alli – Wilmington Shop