A cold tale just in from Charles Bocholis who has worn Layers Thermion for years.

Several years back during a very cold snap in the North Carolina foothills, my friend Larry and I, and our two dogs Toby and Abby, loaded up his new Toyota Land Cruiser for a drive.  We first went to a favorite park in Danbury where we were suprised to find the Dan River partially frozen over.  Of course our dogs ventured out onto the ice and soon broke through.  We tried to remain cool while we pondered who would go into the river (very shallow there 2-3 feet).  Within a few minutes however, the dogs had scrambled onto the ice and were out. Now our worries were about the dogs and hypothermia.  Again the dogs proved to be tougher than us and shook off the icicles and jumped into the Cruiser.

We then drove down a road near Hanging Rock State Park and came across a closed restaurant/inn and met up with a man who was in need of a little help moving some heavy lumber.  We stopped, offered our help and were rewarded with a tour of his property, including driving through some frozen creeks, him showing where he would like to put in a ski lift and some wonderful homemade fresh angus beef hamburgers which he fixed at the restaurant/inn which happened to be his.  All in all, a great day in subfreezing temperatures.