The baby head bolder threatens to turn my left ankle. These two have tangled in the past. The low profile trail runners meet my expectation and dismiss the incident with barely a wince. And that would be no way to kick off the start of September trail running. The Company Mill Gang returned to our familiar trail after the summer break. See Jim and Tommy in the picture. Gary said he was “working.” So did we!


The three of us caught up and laughed for the first mile. My laughing pretty much ended at the bridge as I had to concentrate on breathing at that point. It was a blast to catch up having not seen one another for months. The trail was a pleasant sight as well. We usually run it counter clock-wise and I always enjoy that gentle grade as you return back down to the creek. And then there’s that hill on the way out. Nothing like old friends to pull you along. Thanks Guys.

– Chuck Millsaps