Ride 135 - review

It felt like Spring today and I headed out to test drive the Ride 135 by Wilderness Systems. As a fisherman, boater, and general outdoor enthusiast I have seriously been eyeing this boat since it entered the shop.

I have been looking for a boat that has the versatility to handle flat water at good speed, run some class 2 rapids, and cover the distance with a boat load of gear to experience more primitive campsites. Oh, did I forget to mention a boat that I could take on my family vacation to the beach so that my nephews can climb on, dive off, swim, and then get back onto. I had a strong suspicion this boat was going to be the one.

Being 60 pounds it took two of us to get it on top of my truck and off into the water (If you are taller than 5’6″ and have a shorter car this won’t be as difficult). This drawback was soon forgotten once I began cruising the water with great speed despite having my 70 pound puppy in the rear tankwell. Right from the start this boat had a very comfortable feel with it’s new cushy seat system along with great design that allowed for all the essentials right at my fingertips. Switching between paddling and fishing was a breeze with the rod/paddle holders and I was even able to stand and cast because of the Ride’s pontoon style hull. I certainly wouldn’t recommend this technique for a novice and their canine friend.

This hull enabled me to glide thru water only 6 to 8 inches in depth but not prohibit me from great tracking and speed when I wanted to get up and go. Wow, I was impressed and starting to think I would be the proud owner of this boat in the very near future. I’m already planning a float, camp, and fishing trip down the Watauga River in eastern TN to run those rapids. I have no doubt that beginner thru experts alike, the Ride will not leave you yearning for more. Enjoy ~Rudy (Charlotte shop manager)