After two years of personal use, we now stock three sunscreens from Sol. I thought I should take a minute and explain why I feel so strongly about this product.

Different Sports = Different Needs: We stock a formula for kids, a formula for marine use, and a formula for active sports.

It’s Better: At the shows, the sales manager stands there all day putting sunscreen directly in his eye. Everyone has had the experience of the sunscreen you put on your forehead running into your eyes. Burns like hell doesn’t it? Use any of the Sol formulas and never have that experience again. Sweat, tuna blood, a spilled margarita or sand, might still burn your eyes but not your sunscreen. This is not because of something they put in it, but because of what they don’t put in it- a bunch of harsh chemicals that are supposed to make it smell good and work better with a lower manufacturing cost. This alone sold me on it. I hate the sunscreen in they eye burn. I’m a sensitive guy.

It Works: I’ve used the “bluewater” quite a bit. I don’t hesitate to put it on because it allows my skin to breathe. Many of the other high end sun screens we’ve had in the past feel like plastic on my skin and actually make me considerably hotter on a warm day. It seems to stay on well in and out of the water and is neither slippery nor pore clogging.

Bluewater: SPF 36 – Obviously this is designed for watersports. So, it’s resistant to washing off. We’ve got two sizes. A small 1.5oz. size on a caribiner & large 4 oz. size.

Multisport: SPF 32 – Designed to be highly breathable.

Kindersport: SPF 45 – For kids the most harsh chemical free of the bunch. Goes on opaque, so you can tell if you are missing a spot whilst applying it to a squirmy kid. Also very resistant to washing off.

Scott Wood
Great Outdoor Provision Co.
Product Manager for Fly Fishing, Books and Maps