An emergency preparedness kit should include enough of the following to last a family for at least 3-5 days:

  • Water – 1 gallon per person per day (a week’s supply of water is preferable)
  • Water purification kit or bleach
  • First aid kit and first aid book
  • Pre-cooked, non-perishable foods, such as canned meats, granola bars, instant soup & cereals
  • Baby supplies: formula, bottle, pacifier, soap, baby powder, clothing, blankets, baby wipes, disposable diapers, canned food and juices
  • Non-electric can opener
  • Anti-bacterial hand wipes or gel
  • Blanket or sleeping bag per person
  • Portable radio or portable TV and extra batteries
  • Flashlight and extra batteries
  • Essential medications
  • Extra pair of eyeglasses
  • Extra house and car keys
  • Fire extinguisher – ABC-type
  • Food, water, leash and carrier for pets
  • Cash and change
  • Seasonal change of clothing, including sturdy shoes