Usually, you can find me at the Greenville shop, swapping stories, selling cool gear, or drooling over the new sea kayak models and climbing ropes. But, his summer I’m spending my time working at Pamlico Sea Base working as a sea kayaking guide. I fell in love with it last summer so I decided to spend another summer here. Pamlico Sea Base is right on the waterfront of the Pamlico River. Our little staff cabin looks out over the water and the views are always awesome. Our sea kayaking trips take place out at the outer banks. Every night I watch the sunset over the Pamlico River, or over the Atlantic Ocean while sitting on a beach. Its a pretty beautiful life.

When I’m out guiding, I lead groups of Boy Scouts and Venture Crews on multi-day sea kayaking trips out at Cape Lookout National Seashore. The national seashore consists of three islands in a chain that together equal more than 75 miles of unspoiled, protected beaches. If you’ve ever wanted to stand on a beach and see nothing but waves, sand and sea oats, this is the place for you. No houses or hotels or piers. Over on the sound sides, the wetlands teeming with life while ocean side is open, empty beach for as far as you can see. With the Boy Scouts, we paddle from island to island or campsite to campsite, sleeping on the beach every night. Everything we need we fit into our sea kayaks. Sometimes we’re stuck hiding in marsh grass during bad storms, and sometimes the bugs are a nightmare, but when you paddle with a pod of dolphins, or watch the sunrise over the ocean all the irritations and troubles fade away. When my summer ends I’ll be right back at the Greenville shop. Oh, and if you ever go sea kayaking, or beach camping, take baby powder with you. It’s a lifesaver!

Ali Williams
GOPC Greenville Staff

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