You’ve started hiking, you’re hooked. But you realize those tennis shoes, those cotton socks, that draw-string bag and your bottle of Dasani, which may have been fine on your first few hikes of two and three miles in picture perfect weather, need to go as hike longer and farther.
We won’t flood you with demands; rather, we’re going to point out the crucial items you should get first (then we’ll commence with the flood).

Hiking shoes/boots. Here’s the one place you shouldn’t scrimp: a good fit is imperative to your happiness on the trail. Different boots/shoes appeal to different tastes and needs. Some boot manufacturers cater to a narrower foot, some accommodate high arches better than others, some come ready to hike a 20-mile trail, others require a break-in. Get some insight by talking to veteran hikers, though what works for them may not for you. Visit your local Great Outdoor shop hiking gearduring off peak hours, try on a few different pairs and walk around the store, ask questions. Our current favorite: the pictured Merrell Capra Rise: it’s got a snug fit, it’s waterproof, and the no-slip grip is good for building confidence on otherwise confidence-deflating trails.
Cost: Expect to spend $80 and up.

Socks. Here’s the other place where you shouldn’t scrimp. Socks need to be snug all around your feet, which requires a more pricey weave engineering. And there are different hiking socks for different hiking occasions. In warm weather, a lighter sock engineered to wick sweat from your foot (as opposed to keep it warm) will make your feet happy. Conversely, when it’s cold you’ll want a thicker sock to keep your feet warm. Material is important as well. Wool and synthetics designed to pull blister-causing moisture from your feet are preferred; cotton will keep your feet damp and blister-prone. Our current fave: the Farm To Feet line. They’re got socks, and not only are they made in the U.S.A, they’re made in the N.C. to boot.
Cost: Don’t be surprised to pay $20 or more for a pair of good hiking socks.

Hiking poles. Hiking poles are for “old people,” right? 39-year-old Brian Terwilliger broke the Ultimate Hike record for covering a 28.3-mile stretch of the Foothills Trail in 6 hours and 54 minutes; despite being in phenomenal shape, he wouldn’t have thought of attempting the record without his poles. “I love ‘em,” he says. “I’ll even use ‘em on a 5-mile hike.” In fact, hiking poles keep you from getting old. They’re especially great for prolonging the life of your knees by easing the impact on downhills. They also help distribute a trail workout throughout your body: with poles, your upper body gets a workout, too. Tip: Most poles break down for quick storage on or in your pack when you don’t need them. Experiment with the mechanisms where the pole breaks down; some technologies are not as advanced as they might appear. Internal locking devices are especially suspect. Hiker faves: If you’re going to be doing this for the long haul, Leki poles are a good, dependable, reliable bet.
Cost: A decent stick found on the forest floor is good enough for some. Otherwise, OK manufactured poles start around $25, lightweight, easily adjusted carbon fiber poles can run you $160 or more.

Daypacks. If you’re a guy, prepare to understand what the fuss over handbags has been about all these years. Daypacks with built-in hydration systems. Day packs with built-in rain covers. Day packs with iPhone ports. Day packs with specific pockets for everything from car keys to epi pens. Check out the offerings and you’ll understand why it’s not uncommon for an avid hiker to have three, five, 10 packs in their arsenal. The key to look for in a pack is fit. You want the weight of your pack to be borne by your hip bones; thus, look for a pack with a substantial hip belt. You want the shoulder straps to not bind your shoulders; check for width and comfort. You don’t want the pack up against your back encouraging perspiration to gather: look for a suspension system that keeps the pack off your back. As for the pockets and extras, that’s a matter of personal choice. Take a few hikes, make note of how a pack could most benefit you on the trail. Take those notes with you when you go shopping. What our GetHiking! hikers seem to favor: Osprey.
Cost: You can get a good daypack that will make you happy in the $50-$90 range.

Hydration. Not long ago, we carried our water in bottles, and we liked it. Then, along came hydration packs and we liked that even more. The big advantage: the hydration tube rests off your shoulder, a constant reminder to drink. The tube is also easy; on long hikes, drinking becomes an almost robotic task. Water bottles, on the other hand, slip into side pockets on your pack, pockets that aren’t always easy to access. This access restriction leads to infrequent drinking, which leads to trouble. One disadvantage to true hydration packs is they often come in smaller packs. However, most daypacks, regardless of size, now come with accommodations for a hydration bladder, which you can buy separately.
Cost: Chances are you’ve gotten a gimmie water bottle at an event (charity run/walk, summer festival, etc.). If not, you can get a decent water bottle for $5-$10. Hydration reservoirs to add to a daypack are surprisingly pricey, starting around $30.