There’s a lot to recommend this campground but perhaps its biggest sell is its proximity to 25 miles of mountain bike trail at the nearby Warrior Creek and Dark Mountain trail networks. Both have strong reputations in the mountain biking community for good flow, challenging climbs and generally well-designed trails. Also: You can pick up the Overmountain Victory Trail (hiking) from the campground.
Getting there from downtown Winston-Salem
Address: 667 Jess Walsh Road
City: Wilkesboro
State: N.C.
Zip: 28697-0182
Distance: 1 hour from downtown Winston-Salem
Latitude: 36.1192
Longitude: 81.2452
No. of campsites: 102
No. with hookups: 85
No. without hookups: 17
Primitive sites: None
Reservations? Yes. 877.444.6777
Cost: $18
Year-round? No. April 1-Oct. 31
Gate hours: None
Stuff to do nearby: basketball courts, paddling, fishing, hiking, playground, swimming (seasonal), mountain biking