Cabe Lands Access to West Point on the Eno city park

This run has it all: length, variety, scenery, a fast finish.

Length: At 8.6 miles one way, you’ll need to set a shuttle (which takes about 15 minutes). Or, you can do a 17.2-mile out-and-back. Or you can out-and-back a shorter version. This is a run for all occasions.

Variety: The trail starts with a leg-stretching downhill, then for about five miles is a mix of up-and-down intermingled with flat recovery stretches. The last three miles, after crossing Guess Road (the only road crossing and one slight bummer of the run) and relatively flat, allowing for either some end-of-race speed work or some contemplative oh-what-lovely-scenery end-of-trail running.

Scenery: The Eno never fails to disappoint. This smallish waterway has a surprisingly rocky composition, giving the welcome illusion, especially on a head-clearing trail run, of being in the mountains. There’s some human history to take in mid-run, at the Pump Station Access, and the finish along the millpond is mountain and coast in one.

Stellar running, no matter what your objective.

More info: Trail description and map here; Eno River State Park; West Point on the Eno city park


Getting there from downtown Chapel Hill

Difficulty: Moderate
Distance: 20 minutes from downtown Chapel Hill
Length: 8.6 miles
Time to complete: 1.5 to 3 hours
Address: Howe Street just west of Sparger Road
City: Durham
State: N.C.
Zip: 27705
Latitude: 36.0239
Longitude: 78.5944