Great Outdoor Provision Co. is providing small grants to Eagle Scout and Girl Scout projects that benefit properties protected by local land trusts. The project can be on a conservation property managed by the land trust or a partner. These grants will be awarded to the land trust or partner to help the individual Scout purchase materials and resources they need to complete the project. The grants will NOT fund staff time to work with the Scout.
If you, or a Scout you are working with, is interesting in applying for one of these grants, please submit a short grant proposal to Jan (jan@ctnc.org) that includes the following information by April 30th.
- Name of the Scout working on the project
- Name of the land trust and/or partner working with the Scout on the project
- Goal of the project
- Description of how the project will benefit the public
- Timeline for completing the project
- Projected budget for the project and how the GOPC grant will be used.
- Date by which funding is needed.
Find out more about our commitment to supporting Scouts throughout the year.