by Rudy HaydenCharlotte Shop Manager

img_9510.jpgIt seems as though these honeymooners were caught off guard while swimming in the nude off of the Caribbean coast of Costa Rica. While enjoying a relaxing swim they realized they were not alone. Natives of that part of the world were soon upon them. Were they shocked? Of course! And delighted to see a Toucan, black faced monkey, other tropical birds, fish and even a sloth on their adventure. Learn more about this georgeous part of the world and this couple’s experience in Costa Rica…..

Costa Rica is a vast land with to plenty to see and do! From rolling countryside, volcanoes, deserted beaches and friendly locals you are sure to have a fantastic travel experience visiting this country. Pura Vida they say! Es muy tranquilo!

We chose Costa Rica as a destination for our honeymoon for it’s close proximity to the states and the ability to surround yourself in areas with very diverse flora and fauna as well as an abundance of wildlife. We encountered numerous species of monkeys, birds, fish, and other mammals including the two and three toed sloth. Costa Rica invigorated our sense of life being immersed in a land so in touch with all it’s living creatures.

We were continually greeted with “holas and buenos” as local ticos and native carribbeans were very welcoming. A smile and willingless to learn the language carried us far into the lives and stories of this simple friendly heritage. For Sarah and I this is the heart and soul of traveling. Or as I would say, “The University of Life”.

elencantohdr4.jpgAn 11 day stint traveling to La Fortuna, Cahuita, and Puerto Viejo gave us the ability to soak in the culture and arts of each different area in a short amount of time. Time and weather permitted, we would have love to have ventured to the Pacific coast to check out Manuel Antonio as well as the less traveled, more remote Osa Peninsula. Or for that matter Tortuguero or Bocas Del Toro on the Caribbean coast.

From horseback riding, canopy tours, fishing, snorkeling, kayaking, hiking, biking and hanging out with locals we experienced each area to it’s fullest in a short amount of time. For ease of travel we used Interbus and local taxis to tour these three separate areas. At no point did our travel time exceed more than 5 hours from one area to the other.

img_0503.jpgWe especially enjoyed the nature and beauty of the rainforests and the wide-open, secluded beaches. All of the food and drink were to die for and I particularly appreciated watching the effort and simplicity of providing and making food thru the use of their own labor, tools, and ingenuity. Everything is local–right from the sea or jungle!

My least favorite part of traveling in Costa Rica was witnessing all the poverty and trash but evidently C.R doesn’t have nearly the problem that many other countries in Latin America have. It certainly is a very REAL place–what you see is what you get. Friendly natives and a relatively undiscovered area with many treasures. Enjoy!

Trip Logistics and Itinerary
We highly recommend all of the services we experienced in Costa Rica. All of the guides, lodging, transportation were very professional and service oriented. Con mucho Gusto!

img_0874.jpg2 days Arenal, Hotel Silencio Del Campo
Services Used
Interbus — private shuttle service used for transportation on trip.
Sky Tram — the safest most professional zip line tour in all of Arenal!

La Fortuna Falls

3 days Puerto Viejo, Cashew Hill
Sea Kayaking and hiking in Manzanillo with Puerto Viejo Satellite Tours

Snorkeling with Reef Runners

LuLu Berlu fine art gallery

1 day San Jose, The Dunn Inn

If your a kayaker and seeking to scout out the infinite number of river options in this country check out Call It Progessionalism

More photos on Flickr