Coat Swap 2009
During the first week of October locally owned Great Outdoor Provision Co. reached out to community missions and delivered coats for the homeless during the 5th Annual Great Outdoor Coat Swap. Customers who donated a clean used jacket received a discount off the regular price of a new jacket. This year’s Coat Swap delivered nearly 1000 jackets to the needy.

“I’ve always known our customers are special.” comments Tom Valone, owner. “Every time we sponsor a charity drive our and customers come through, I’m reminded why I love this business.”

Bruce Storer, director of development for the Raleigh Rescue Mission in downtown Raleigh, remarks on last year’s Coat Swap and says “It’s a significant gift. This is the time of year that we really need coats as well as food and blankets. We’re blessed to have this relationship with Great Outdoor Provision Co.”