Take a test spin at Hagen Stone and you’ll see why. The 9 miles of trail includes the 4-mile Chatfield Trail loop around the park, and numerous inner-connecting trails of shorter length: the 1.6-mile Ridge and Draper trails, the 0.7-mile Dogwood Trail and the shorter Schoolhouse, Old Bridal, and Ridge Spur trails. Piece together the trails — and throw in the park roads — for a near endless combination of runs throughout this heavily wooded, 409-acre park. If you’re running in summer, there’s a swimming pool as well. Camping, too.
Note: some of these trails are multi-use, open to mountain biking, though it’s not a hugely popular mtb destination. What mountain bikers don’t like about Hagen Stone is what a runner will: long stretches of smooth surface and a good deal of packed mulch. Expect some rolling terrain.
Getting there from downtown Greensboro
Difficulty: Moderate
Distance: 20 minutes from downtown Greensboro
Length: 3.1 to 9 miles
Time to complete: 25 minutes and up
Address: 5920 Hagan-Stone Park
City: Pleasant Garden
State: N.C.
Zip: 27313
Latitude: 35.5717
Longitude: 79.4384