Why not go camping?
One reason to camp: no one else is. Reservations? Ha! Drive right up and pick a spot.
Now, despite these prime conditions, keep in mind that some campgrounds do close, or partially close, for the season. Thus, while reservations may not be necessary, it’s a good idea to check ahead before packing up the Roadmaster. We’ll save you a bit of legwork by telling you about 10 of our favorite campgrounds that remain open in November (and beyond).
1.Falls Lake State Recreation Area
Where: Triangle
Campground open: Rolling View (loops A, B and C open through November, Loop A open year-round).
No. of campsites: 80 total, not all open year-round
Stuff to do: Mountains-to-Sea Trail runs through the campground offering long hike opportunities. Water access for canoes and kayaks.
More info here.
2. Jordan Lake State Recreation Area
Where: Triangle
Campground open: call (see below)
No. of campsites: call (see below)
Stuff to do: Hiking at New Hope Overlook, good paddling opportunities on the lake’s smaller fingers.
More info here.
3. Lake Norman State Park
Where: Charlotte
Campground open: Family Campground
No. of campsites: 33
Stuff to do: Extensive hiking and mountain biking trail networks
More info here.
4. Carolina Beach State Park
Where: Wilmington area
Campground open: Carolina Beach Campground
No. of campsites: 81
Stuff to do: Five miles of hiking trail, access via a short drive to the beach.
More info here.
5. Hanging Rock State Park
Where: Danbury (north of the Triad)
Campground open: Family campground
No. of campsites: 73
Stuff to do: 18 miles of hiking trail, 8.4 miles of mountain bike trail, rock climbing, paddling on the Dan River.
6. Davidson River
Where: Pisgah National Forest, Brevard
No. of campsites: 160 (not all open year-round).
Stuff to do nearby: hiking, mountain biking, fishing, fly fishing
More info here.
7. Fires Creek Recreation Area
Where: Nantahala National Forest, Off US 64, between NC 175 and SR 1344 near Hayesville, N.C.
No. of campsites: 9
Stuff to do nearby: hiking, fishing
More info here.
8. New River State Park
Where: Laurel Springs, N.C.
No. of campsites: 45
Stuff to do nearby: paddling
More info here.
9. North Mills River
Where: Pisgah National Forest, Mills River
No. of campsites: 31
Stuff to do nearby: hiking, mountain biking, fishing.
More info here.
10. South Mountains State Park
Where: Connelly Springs, N.C.
No. of campsites: 13
Stuff to do nearby: hiking, horseback riding, mountain biking, fishing
More info here.