Hike the 5-mile trail around Jones Lake, paddle the 224-acre Carolina bay, swim its dark but sparkling clean waters in summer, challenge your fishing skills in the acidic waters which reduce the fish population, or put in your boat and paddle the lake, which ranges in depth from 8 to 12 feet. Whatever your plans for a Jones Lake retreat, the lake will likely play a key role in your stay.
Getting there from downtown Wilmington
Address: 4117 Highway 242 N.
City: Elizabethtown
State: N.C.
Zip: 28337
Latitude: 34.6827
Longitude: 78.5954
Distance: 50 minutes from downtown
No. of campsites: 20
No. with hookups: None
No. without hookups: 20
Primitive sites: None
Reservations? Yes. 877.722.6762
Cost: $20
Year-round? Yes
Gate hours: Open daily at 8 a.m., closes at 6 p.m. November-February; 8 p.m. March, April, September and October; 9 p.m. May-August.
Stuff to do nearby: Hiking, fishing, swimming (seasonal), paddling