Join us on Sunday, February 19th at noon for a Kayak Fishing 101 seminar sponsored by Tidewater Kayak Anglers Association and Great Outdoor Provision Company in Virginia Beach!

It is free and open to the public!  (but you must register in advance!)  Use this link to do so!

The seminar will be conducted by Wayne Bradby and Craig Brashers, and will feature two fully rigged kayaks and lots of information for those new to the sport.

We will cover the following:
Basics for getting started
Kayak selection
Gear/clothing options
Transportation and storage
Limited rigging opportunities

The class is designed for those just getting into the sport, but even experienced kayak anglers can find some useful new information.

Between the two, Wayne and Craig have over 25 years of local kayak angling experience and both are seasoned tournament anglers.  The seminar is designed to give you ideas on what is important as you start out and will cover the latest trends in the sport, including motorization.

Please register using the EventBrite link above!   Please register in advance so that we can plan seating accordingly.

Hope to see you there!