Sometimes you go camping just to kick back. Read a book. Catch up with friends. Spend time with the family. Sleep. Cliffs of the Neuse, with its cozy campground, is a good bet for just such an escape.

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Getting there from downtown Greenville

Address: 240 Park Entrance Road
City: Seven Springs
State: N.C.
Zip: 28578
Distance: 1 hour, 10 minutes from downtown
Latitude: 35.2354
Longitude: 77.8932
No. of campsites: 35
No. with hookups: None
No. without hookups: 35
Primitive sites: None
Reservations? Yes. 877-722-6762
Cost: $20
Year-round? Yes
Gate hours: Open daily at 8 a.m., closes at 6 p.m. November-February; 8 p.m. March, April, September and October; 9 p.m. May-August.
Stuff to do nearby: Paddling, fishing, swimming (seasonal)